Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of therapy do you provide?

We provide skilled, speech and language therapy. This includes things like…

  • Speech / articulation (the sounds we say)
  • Intelligibility (when people can’t understand what we say)
  • Early language (the first words we put together)
  • Fluency & Stuttering (when our words seem to get stuck)
  • Social Language (things like taking turns, listening to others, and making friends)
  • Expressive Language (what we want to say to others)
  • Receptive Language (what we understand)
  • Functional Language (related to self-care, hygiene, and eating)
  • Syntax (putting together complete sentences)
  • Metacognition (thinking about thinking/language)

If your doctor or child’s teacher has recommended “speech therapy,” at any age, we can help!

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Do you accept insurance?


Even if we’re not in-network with your company, we can still help you use your insurance benefits to cover the cost of therapy.

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How much does it cost?

You have the right to request a written good faith estimate.

Before any insurance benefits, as of January 2022…

  • an evaluation costs $225. You usually need 1 evaluation per calendar year.
  • 1, 30-minute therapy sessions costs $45
  • 1, 45-minute therapy session costs $67.50
  • 1, 90-minute therapy session costs $90

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Does my child need speech therapy?

Obviously we need to see your child before we can tell you for sure. Here are a few things that can help you decide what to do:

  • Parents’ intuition is pretty accurate. If you’re worried about your child’s development, there may be a reason. We can do a free screening (a quick-check) in about 20 minutes or less. Give us a call to schedule.
  • If you have trouble understand what your child says (they’re talking but you can’t understand it), give us a call for a free screening.
  • If your child has an IEP in schools, extra therapy can sometimes be beneficial.
  • If your child’s teacher or doctor has recommended speech therapy (or to see an SLP), it is probably best to get an evaluation.

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What if my child has an IEP / gets speech therapy at school??

If your child has an IEP at school, they could probably qualify for additional therapy. In schools, speech therapy focuses on the curriculum and what other students are doing. In private therapy (or medical speech therapy), we look at what your child needs to function and be themselves.

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How long will my child need speech?

I wish we could give you a good answer. I understand worrying about your child and their future. What we can tell you is, we’ll work hard to build the skills they need as quickly as they can so they can be safe and happy. How long a child needs speech therapy depends on so many things like the type and severity of disorder, the client’s motivation, if there are other issues, and caregiver involvement.

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How do we start speech therapy?

The first step is to call and schedule an appointment. We’ll ask you questions about your child and what is going on.

If your child HAS been evaluated, we’ll get a copy of that and see if we can use it to begin services.

If your child has NOT been evaluated, we’ll schedule one. It takes an hour or two. Your child will do things like name pictures, play with toys, and follow age-appropriate directions. The whole time our therapists will be gathering information. While your child is working, you’ll be filling out important forms to give us additional information.

If therapy is recommended, we’ll schedule it as soon as we can. If there’s any other paperwork needed (like a doctor’s note or authorization form insurance), we’ll help get things in order.

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Can you help my child with _?

Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) or speech therapists can work on a huge variety of communication (and swallowing!) skills to help your child. Basically, we work on helping your child be understood by others and being able to communicate effectively so they can have fun, be safe, and enjoy their lives.

If you have a specific question, it is best to contact us.

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What does my child do in therapy?

This depends SO much on your child!

All of our therapy sessions are totally individualized to your child and their interests. We use play as often as we can (because play is work… and motivating!), but we also make sure whatever we’re doing will translate to the world outside of our clinic. We want your child to make progress in therapy, and at home, school, and in their world.

Does your child LOVE dinosaurs… and have trouble saying ‘r’? Then we’ll be practicing that “r” sound by rawr-ing and grrrrowling as dinosaurs!

Is your child obsessed with trading cards but need to work on their social skills? We’ll be playing with trading cards… and also learning how to take turns and engage another person in conversation.

The point is, we can take whatever your child loves to do, and build therapy around it.

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How long are your sessions?

Sessions are 30, 45, or 60 minutes depending on your child and your schedule.

Depending on the age of the client, we also include time for us to work with parents and caregivers to make sure they have any tools they need as well. Parenting can be hard, and we want to help.

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Is there paperwork I need to bring?

Important documents can be found here.

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More questions?

Learn more from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) at